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Feline Wellness Care - Animal Health Center of Salisbury - Salisbury, MA



Regular physical examination is of the utmost importance – often problems are detected that, if untreated, would progress to serious illness. A complete physical examination is done routinely and involves assessment of all body systems. READ MORE.


By vaccinating our pets, we are ensuring that they are immune to different, possibly fatal diseases if/when they get exposed to them. Vaccinating our animals prevents spreading of these diseases. Also, if you think of it from a cost-standpoint, it costs less to prevent diseases than it does to treat them. READ MORE. 


In New England, with our always changing weather, fleas/ticks & mosquitoes can potentially be found all year round. Please READ MORE on why Parasite Prevention is important for your feline!


In an added effort to provide your pet with quality care, we offer pet dental services in our veterinary office. It is estimated that 80% of pets exhibit the beginning stages of periodontal disease by age 3, which is why dental exams and teeth cleanings are essential. READ MORE about our dental services. 
Nutrition, including controlling your pet’s weight, seriously affects pet health, especially as your pet ages. Weight management is one of the most critical factors in maintaining pet health. READ MORE. 
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